37 Ridge Street, North Sydney 2060
(02) 9929 7172

As you progress in the sport it becomes a necessary obligation to travel, and as the higher you climb the tree the more excessive the travel becomes.

Young players are perhaps the more susceptible to be affected by the additional stress and strain of staying away from home and everything that entails from exhaustive travel.

Here are tips that will help any tennis player on how to be prepared for travel and successfully endure all the problems that may arise. Travelling abroad just for holiday purposes is a tricky thing, but with all the extra paraphernalia a sportsman must also carry with them adds more problems.

Preparing For Overseas Travel

The following is a list of top tips for young tennis players travelling overseas. They are designed to make travel more enjoyable and to help the success of the players.

Parents Responsibilities

Player’s Responsibilities

Players should abide by team rules and regulations at all times during the tour and take as much enjoyment as possible.

Tennis World North Sydney have full time coaches that can give support and extra advice to young players considering entering tournaments and touring.