37 Ridge Street, North Sydney 2060
(02) 9929 7172

Hello Everyone and isn’t this year already flying by! March already and here’s what we’ve got for you!…


Singles Comp is definitely in the waiting! Thank you for those who showed interest, we’re putting a plan together and wanting to get started ASAP!

We have a Monthly Special for you all, coz everyone Love’s a Special!

$299 For 8 X 30min Personal Training Sessions PLUS a MONTHS Gym Usage – Save $120!

This month ONLY! Limited to only 3 Participants!


Sam is also supervising a new Personal Trainer called Evon, she is a fully qualified CHIROPRACTOR and just finished her Personal Training course. To complete the Certificate she needs 12 hours face to face with Clients. Sooo if anyone is looking for a 100% Complimentary Health & Fitness Consultation, please call Sam on 9929 7172 and he will pass on Evon’s details and give you some further information. Do not miss out here, she only needs 12 hours and it will fill very fast!!


Tennis Updates:

Congratulations PAULA, MARK and DALE – Winners of our Tuesday Night Social Comp!!

A quick reminder that Wednesday Night’s is starting again on the 21st, call Greg on 9929 7172 to enrol!


And Good Luck to everyone playing in Badge which kicks off this weekend! Fingers crossed for some decent weather and hope you all play well!


Another couple of days like this and we will also consider speaking to North Sydney Council and renaming ourselves North Sydney Tennis, Gym and Swimming Pool.

So that just about wraps it up here, have a great week and hope to see you all up here very soon!


Sam & Greg

9929 7172