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(02) 9929 7172

The top players in the world not only possess excellent technique, they utilise strategy with advanced tactical solution. This sort of strategy allows them to overcome any situation that arises, so they adapt their play accordingly.

Win More Points

The best strategy in tennis is the same as any sport, and that is to gain more points than you lose. But which tactic can you use in tennis to achieve this? You can start by utilising the information you have gathered on your opponent.

Perhaps you have noticed a weaker side to attack with returns, serves and groundstrokes. Keep forcing the play to this side, play faster against it allowing your opponent with the minimum time to act. Use different variations of speed, spin, speed and height to mix up his timing.

Observe Weaknesses

Perhaps your opponent looks unfit, if so move him around the court and make him run about, if he is tall then hit the ball low. Perhaps your game plan is to play with aggression at the baseline.

If this is so , different tactics can be used. Perhaps hit ball on the up to put more pressure on the opponent, or perhaps you may want to utilise a lot of inside out forehands as needed. If you see that your opponent is not in a hurry to come to the net, hit it short and then lob.

The big factor here is to keep flexible, if a certain shot is not working, then change it and do not stubbornly persist in using it. Another factor is try to hide your shots as best as you can and constantly vary where you make the ball land.

Keep Errors To a Minimum

Keep in mind that your opponent is attempting to win also, with his own strategies, so you may need to nullify their strategy. Take the edge off his his attacking game and you will lose fewer points.

Whenever possible play to your strengths unless your opponent makes you to play otherwise. Perhaps your opponent has changed to your weaker side to support his strategy, you can survive by just staying in the rally. Try to hang in and use a tactic instead of trying to win more points to losing fewer.

Once you have achieved losing less points, then implement clever tactics to gain more points. Use your weaker side to play against his weaker side, then end with one of your strong shots. Utilise your weaker side to force your opponent back from the side lines and baseline, move him towards the net and then lob him.

Add Variety

Keep on varying your game and the way you play. Occasionally throw in a drop shot or a moon ball, this will keep your opponent on his toes and not allow him to settle. Don’t take untoward risks and keep unforced errors to a minimum.

Many players try to hit winners from unrealistic positions. If your opponent puts you under pressure then defend with variation, keep your opponent guessing. And try to find a strategy how to defeat his game.

Play down the middle thereby cutting his angles off, and if the worst comes to the worst, simplify your strokes, just block the ball but improve your consistency.

To improve your strategy it is a good idea to discuss the strengths and weaknesses with your tennis coach. Adopt a game plan for the next opponent, but stay flexible to change the plan during matchplay.